Sunday, November 9, 2008

SMS Quotes 1-5

Take some time to smile when you're sad.
To rest when you're tired.
To love if you're feeling empty.
And to let go if you need to.
Time endures,
Time heals.
In this life,
Just take some time for yourself.


Every woman has a dream..
Mine is to wake up to the sound of rocks being thrown at my bedroom window, and see the man i love standing in the rain..

asking me for another chance..


Poem for college students:

I wish i could never see a grade as ugly as a "3"
or something not worth my tuition fee
summer is ending
first semester is coming
another round of mental torturing
inside the university
with redhorse as the only remedy
be happy as you'd like to be
if all else fails,
bless us Thee!


Somebody saw me trying to find something
He asked what I was looking for
I answered, "My life!"
He asked, "Did you lose it?"
I said, "No, I didn't. I just wasted it on someone not worth it!"


When you find faults
From someone you love,
Hold on...
Don't judge nor doubt but
Trust and understand.
That someone is doing best
To love you more.
Love has nothing to explain.

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