Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine SMS - Quotes 41-45

Stay still be quiet and listen to your heart.
Then, when it speaks, get up and go where it takes you.
Happy Valentine’s Day!


To love is like playing the piano.
First, you play by the rules.
Then, you must forget the rules and play from the heart.
Happy Heart’s Day!


All life is created in love, and thus in the depths of every human being lies a good heart. Some have lost their path from this love, so it is up to us to show them the way." Happy Valentines!!


True Love, like many things, can only be seen in the eyes of the beholder.
It cannot be jealous, proud, or anxious; it is what is found in the depths of your heart, and longs only for the one who's heart longs for the same things as your own. HAPPY VALENTIMES


LOVE is like MAGIC; the more you hide it, the more it grows. The more you suppress it, the more it shows. The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much LOVE. HAPPY VALENTINES

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